June Core
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 Prénom:  Wirtford Pratique :
Nom:   Core
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Pseudos :   Wirtford June Core ; Wirtford Core ; June Core ;
1993 Participe ? Harmonica Party la Tartine de Mark Hummel
1998 Participe ? Low Down to Uptown la Tartine de Mark Hummel
 Participe ? Shadow of the Blues la Tartine de Little Charlie & The Nightcats
2002 Participe ? I Keep Holdin' On la Tartine de Terry Hanck
2004 Participe ? That Represent Man la Tartine de The Mannish Boys
2005 Participe ? Zin'Fidelity la Tartine de Rusty Zinn
2015 Participe ? Vol 1 Blues Won't Let Me Take My Rest la Tartine de The Henry Gray - Bob Corritore
 Participe ? Watch Your Step ! la Tartine de Andy Santana and the West Coast Playboys