Raymond Norcia
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 Prénom:  Raymond Pratique :
Nom:   Norcia
Né le:  
Né à:  
Pseudos :   Sugar Ray ; Sugar Ray Norcia ; Raymond Norcia ;
1979 Participe ? la cr?ation du groupe Sugar Ray & The Bluetones
1980 Participe ? Sugar Ray and the Bluetones la Tartine de Sugar Ray & The Bluetones
1982 Participe ? Smoking la Tartine de Ronnie Earl and the Broadcasters
1989 Participe ? Deep Blues la Tartine de Ronnie Earl and the Broadcasters
 Participe ? Knockout la Tartine de Sugar Ray & The Bluetones
1991 Devient membre du groupe Roomful of Blues
 Participe ? Don't Stand in My Way la Tartine de Sugar Ray & The Bluetones
1992 Participe ? Test Of Time la Tartine de Ronnie Earl
1994 Participe ? Dance All Night la Tartine de Roomful of Blues
 Participe ? Nothing Else Matters... la Tartine de Otis Grand
1995 Participe ? Turn It On! Turn It Up! la Tartine de Roomful of Blues
1997 Participe ? Roomful of Christmas la Tartine de Roomful of Blues
 Participe ? Under One Roof la Tartine de Roomful of Blues
1998 Participe ? Sweet & Swingin' la Tartine de Sugar Ray
1998 Quite Roomful of Blues
2000 Participe ? The Blues'll Make You Happy, Too la Tartine de Roomful of Blues
2001 Participe ? Blow Mr Low la Tartine de Doug James
 Participe ? Rockin' Sugar Daddy la Tartine de Sugar Ray & The Bluetones
2003 Participe ? Sugar Ray & The Bluetones Feat Monster Mike Welch la Tartine de Sugar Ray & The Bluetones
2005 Participe ? Hands Across the Table la Tartine de Sugar Ray & The Bluetones
2007 Participe ? My life, My friends, My music la Tartine de Sugar Ray & The Bluetones
 Participe ? That's What I Found Out ! la Tartine de Maurizio Pugno
2008 Participe ? Surrounded By Love la Tartine de Ronnie Earl and the Broadcasters
2010 Participe ? Seren Dipity la Tartine de Anthony Geraci
2013 Participe ? Dangerous la Tartine de Sugaray Rayford
2015 Participe ? Fifty Shades Of Blues la Tartine de Anthony Geraci And The Boston Blues All-stars
2016 Participe ? Seeing Is Believing la Tartine de Sugar Ray & The Bluetones
2017 Participe ? The Luckiest Man la Tartine de Ronnie Earl and the Broadcasters